Monday, April 13, 2015

Project 3 Proposal

1.) Our audience will include:
-People coming out of the gym
-Players on St. Mary's sports teams
-Pedestrians walking past the Arc and Monty
-The St. Mary's Basketball team
-Assorted friends

2.) Traffic:
Morning-Many people coming from and entering the Arc and nearby classrooms
Afternoon-Good amount of people still going about their business
Night-Close to five people every 10 minutes walking past the Arc

3.) Lights:
See map

4.) Social Conditions:
-Since the piece deals with sports it makes sense to have it closest to where the vast majority of people enjoy seeing sports recreationally.

5.) Scale:
See drawing

6.) Placement of Projector:
-Outlets located inside the gym
-Projector will be placed in grass area to prevent people from walking in front of it during the screening.

7.) Architectural Elements:
-Little to no interaction will occur due to distance and it being projected on a flat surface.




Visual Examples

Video Examples

Monday, April 6, 2015

Research Project 3

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

This artist interested me because of his wide range of work. The first piece that I looked at of his was the Voice Tunnel project done in New York City where people could record themselves saying whatever and then it was projected into the tunnel. A light would also signal that their voice was being played. As each new person recorded a sound, their voice would start traveling to the end of the tunnel. I really like hearing the purpose behind this project, which was supposed to say something about freedom of speech. He also mentioned that this project was a way to show community and to bring people together, which I really enjoy because I feel like this is what we are trying to accomplish with our third project. If my project brings people on this campus together, if even just to look at it, then I have done something right.

I was also interested in Rafael's other project titled Open Air, which was very similar to the Voice Tunnel by attaching voices with lights but this was on a larger scale. In this project, Rafael set up a bunch of lights in Philadelphia that could be seen from 10 miles away. People could go into a website or on their phones and talk about anything they wanted for 30 seconds. Anyone could access the website but the people closest to the lights got priority for which stories would be projected. The lights also got brighter or dimmer depending on how loud the voice was. This project was also one that brought the community together and sent a message about freedom of speech. Once again, I really enjoy Rafael's ideas about bringing the community together and I hope to reflect that in my last project.

Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer also really interested me with her projections. She took an empty gallery and filled it with words, bodies, and light. This idea is similar to Rafael's idea in that she is using light and words to create a community and bring people together. Her words just happen to be made by the light instead of you hearing the words along with seeing the light. Jenny stated, " I show what I can with the words in light and motion in a chosen place, and when I envelop the time needed, the space around, the noise, smells, the people looking at one another and everything before them, I have given what I know." I really liked her idea of getting people in a space and getting them all to focus on one thing. I would like to use this idea of getting a community into a space.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Reading #4

Speaking Through Monuments & City Hall Tower Projection, Krakow

I thought this reading was very interesting because I have never really thought about what buildings and architecture say and mean to the people around it. I also never considered the possibility of making a piece of architecture say what you want it to say. I have seen lights and shapes projected onto a building and have heard added soundtracks with these lights but I have never seen something that was supposed to make the viewer think. What I saw was merely for entertainment, which is also interesting but I really like what the artist did in the City Hall Tower projections.

The stories chosen for the projections were ones that are usually not spoken about or people try to ignore so it is interesting that these stories were projected out onto a huge tower. Towers and large buildings definitely symbolize power and people literally have to look up at the tower so automatically anything projected onto it is going to seem important. I really like that these people stories were getting told but I was not as positive about how the images went along with the stories. I think it is interesting to try to think about and figure out.

Dough Aitken 

One thing I really liked about this piece of art is that there is no beginning or end to it, since it is a circle and you could not look at all of it at once. If you were able to see the video on one rectangle, it would definitely give it a different meaning. I like that this video forces you to see it at different points and angles and you will probably never see it in the same way twice. I thought this gave a new meaning to street graffiti and made it into something new, something that can change and move and make sound. This kind of reminds me what I have been trying to do with my last two projects which is that I take something that is usually still and make it come to life.